2 |
Aaron Porter |
AaronCouch |
AaronMeeuwsen |
aCyborg |
Designer / Palantir.net |
AdamSmetana |
adamwhite |
Developer / Upper Rapids |
AdrianCabrera |
AdrianMcKee |
/ AdrianMcKeeDesign |
afinnarn |
Developer, Consultant / Finn's Web |
AJSchalund |
Web Developer / Fisher Printing |
akalata |
Freelancer / Lytical Design |
akucharski |
CEO / Promet Source |
AlbertJankowski |
Senior Web Developer / PMMI Media Group |
AlexTarasciewicz |
alimac |
Research Programmer / University of Illinois at Chicago |
Allysin |
amanda.drupal |
DrupalCon Coordinator / Drupal Association |
AmandaLuker |
AmitChourasia |
amyb |
Support Project Manager / Promet Source |
andrewko |
Programmer Analyst / Stowers Institute for Medical Research |
AndrewMcClenaghan |
CEO / Digital Echidna |
AndyCullen |
/ Sandstorm Design |
AndySauter |
AngelaZarek |
AnnGreazel |
Anthony E.Scand... |
AntoninaKuzmis |
ArielGamiño |
Technology Manager / Northwestern Memorial Hospital |
Ashleigh Thevenet |
Project Manager / Bluespark |
AshmaShrestha |
atrowbri |
ayeletCr |
ayeletCr_1426968011 |
bannorb |
Website Builder / Bannor & Bannor Web Design |
banoodle |
Drupal Support Engineer / Molly Duggan Associates |
BeauSimensen |
Software Architect & Founder / dflydev |
becw |
Senior Engineer/Team Lead / Palantir.net |
BenChad |
BenjiDamron |
Developer / duo consulting |
BillSprowl |
BillStafford |
biolithic |
bluespark |
Principal / Bluespark |
bneil |
Web/Mobile Application Developer / The University of Iowa |
BradLowry |
brantwynn |
Senior Architect / Acquia |
Brendan Gallagher |
Brian Cassidy |
brianbrarian |
Applications & Web Developer / Reaching Across Illinois Library System |
BrianPerry |
BrockBoland |
iOS Engineer / Vokal |
bsnodgrass |
President / net2Community, Inc. |
Caffeinated |
Strategist / Xeno Media, Inc |
CarlosOspina |
cehfisher |
Drupal developer and project manager / Longsight Inc |
Charlotte |
ChelsieJohnston |
CheriVan Deraa |
ChrisCalip |
ChristinaHeinrich |
Christopher Jereb |
Chief Strategy Officer / Zooma |
ChristopherPanza |
Software Engineer / Purdue University |
ChrisWeber |
Software Engineer / The Nerdery |
ClarityPartners |
Business Development Manager / Clarity Partners, LLC |
ClaudisMitchell |
cngoody |
Project Manager / Palantir |
ColleenCarroll |
Director of Operations / Palantir.net |
ConniePing |
CraigGrabow |
GM / Semantic Roots LLC |
Crell |
Senior Architect / Palantir.net |
Crooney |
President and Founder / Digital Bridge Solutions |
czastrow01 |
Dande Grazia |
DanielBlanes |
DanielPaz |
DavidBirdwell |
DavidCuculich |
DavidHagen |
davidhernandez |
Web Developer / Rutgers University |
DavidWright |
Developer / Commerce Guys |
DCKranz |
student / none |
dgorton |
Founder and CEO / Gorton Studios |
DilipkumarGopal... |
dobrzyns |
Build Manager/Drupal Developer / Promet Source |
DonMeyer |
DonnaMetz |
DouglasKnapp |
Director of Electronic Communications / Illinois State Bar Association |
dougvann |
Owner / Synaptic Blue Inc. |
drastik |
Chief Developing Software Engineer Architect of Back & Front End Server Administration DevOps-y stuff / Emphanos |
drupalmonkey |
Drupal Developer / HP |
dsnopek |
Edward CainCain |
Technical Support Consultant / university of chicago |
EMinon |
Web Software Developer / Clarity Partners, LLC |
erich_s |
Software Architect / DroopySoft |
ericjenkins |
Developer / Digital Bridge Solutions |
ErikBaldwin |
ErikViager |
Business Development Associate / Manifest Digital |
evilehk |
Lead Developer / Breakthrough Technologies |
farriss |
CEO / Palantir.net |
fmitchell |
VP of Engineering / Better Weekdays |
FrankCervone |
Director of Information Technology - SPH / University of Illinois at Chicago |
froboy |
Web Project Manager / University of Chicago |
gadaniels72 |
Director of Technology Development / Illinois Legal Aid Online |
GalenErickson |
Student Developer / ELMSLN |
GamalDeWeever |
gdemet |
Founder and CEO / Palantir.net |
geerlingguy |
Technical Architect / Acquia |
GenaWilson |
Associate Director of Technology / Manifest |
generalredneck |
Solutions Architect / Senior Developer / Promet Source |
genjohnson |
Web Developer / University of Iowa |
guschilds |
Web developer / CHROMATIC |
GwenDaniels |
Hans Riemenschneider |
Front end developer / Self employed |
HeatherHoffman |
HeatherO'Leary |
HenryPleas |
horncologne |
Open Source Evangelist / Acquia |
j.duran |
/ ARRAY [ ] |
JabarMorarend |
JacobIneichen |
Systems and User Experience Specialist / UW-Madison Office of Education Outreach and Partnerships |
JacquelineLeskovec |
jenlampton |
Founding Forker / Backdrop CMS |
JenniferHoudek |
JessicaBMesh |
Technical Project Manager / BlackMesh |
JessicaParrisWe... |
founder+designer+educator / ARRAY[ ] new media foundations for art and design education |
JessNelson |
Sales Operations Manager / Drupal Association |
JimmyKlatt |
jjozwiak |
Web Developer / GA Communication Group |
jmolivas |
Drupal 8 Solutions Enginee / Blink Reaction |
jnettik |
Web Developer / Aten Design Group |
Joe Vangsness |
/ Vangsness Consulting |
joehahn |
JoelGershon |
JohnathanKupferer |
JohnathanKupfer... |
JohnRearick |
Systems Analyst / Iowa State University |
JohnSerafin |
JonathanFranks |
JosephMichalak |
Web Developer / Trail9 |
JosephPurcell |
KellyeBlosser |
KellyT |
Director of Web Experience / Clarity Partners |
KelseyBentham |
kendallsv |
Front-End Developer / Anexus IT |
kerasai |
President / Kerasai, Ltd. |
KevinKu |
IT Technical Associate / University of Illinois at Chicago |
KevinLeonard |
Senior Engagement Manager / Breakthrough Technologies |
kpastore |
Owner / Vivid Oranje Consulting, LLC |
kramm2688 |
Business Analyst / Promet Source |
krisahil |
Drupal developer / Mediacurrent |
kthull |
Freelancer / Blue Drop Shop |
KyleSwanson |
Web Project Manager / University of Michigan |
lauriii |
/ Druid |
LenLamberg |
/ Self |
Les Lim |
Web Developer / TEN7 |
Lhridley |
Solutions Architect / Sr. Developer / Promet Source |
LisaElliott Blake |
LizzTrudeau |
Membership Coordinator and Drupal.org Support / Drupal Association |
LowellJohnson |
luke.anderson |
LukeWert |
manningpete |
Developer / Amasis LLC |
MarcDeLay |
MatthewFox |
matthewkoon |
CEO / Zooma |
MatthewRamir |
meaton |
Technical Developer / Trekk |
MeganCulligan |
Digital Strategist / Sandstorm Design |
MelanieJBoyd |
Graphic Designer / WVEA |
MelissaGonzalez |
Technical Support Manager / Promet Source |
MelissaMcEwen |
mgirgis |
Front End Developer / Duo Consulting |
mglaman |
Drupal Developer / Gaggle |
MichaelKozlowicz |
michellekrejci |
mikemiles86 |
Associate Director of PHP / Genuine Interactive |
Mile23 |
MitchTollerud |
Webmaster / Scott County Iowa |
MKorostoff |
Web Developer, Team Lead / Blink Reaction |
mlhess |
Solutions Architect lead / University of Michigan |
mmajor |
Client Services Director / Digital Bridge Solutions |
mmessmer |
Senior Drupal Developer / Duo Consulting |
mradcliffe |
Developer / Kosada |
NarethPhin |
NatalieQuam |
NathanAnderson |
NicholasWeaver |
nLn54rkhGdpVQr6 |
NovellaChiechi |
Site builder / Kafei Interactive Inc. |
OzHeller |
OzymandiusHeller |
pandaeskimo |
Technical Architect / Acquia |
pathans |
Business Development Manager / Duo Consulting |
PaulBizcoach |
Phil Smith |
PhillipBirk |
Senior IT Coordinator / National Rural Health Resource Center |
quicksketch |
Co-Founder / Backdrop CMS |
RalphSyverson |
RaySaltini |
Drupal Evangelist / Blink Reaction |
rbeach |
Front End Developer / Duo Consulting |
rgchi |
Developer / NU |
Richard Zili |
Front End Developer / zooma |
rjl |
Website and Data Manager / Lawyers' Committee for Better Housing |
RogerCarlstrom |
RonaiBrumett |
rpalladino |
Web Applications Developer / University of Chicago |
rtraviss |
Intranet Web Developer / Cellcom |
ruthief |
Technical Account Manager / BlackMesh, Inc. |
RyanGibson |
Drupal Developer / Mediacurrent |
RyanJacobs |
rymcveigh |
Web Developer / Miles |
Samantha JKyrkostas |
SandraFerguson |
Schnitzel |
Head Technology / Amazee Labs |
scottrouse |
Practice Director / Acquia |
Scotty |
ShawnGolley |
Smith |
Marketing and Communications Lead / Palantir.net |
socketwench |
Drupal Developer / Blink Reaction |
sreynen |
VP of Technology / Aten Design Group |
stephelhajj |
Project Manager / Amazee Labs |
stevector |
Senior Engineer and Team Lead / Palantir.net |
StevenStern |
Co-Owner / Site Builder / What A Great Website |
SteveRaden |
stpaultim |
Founding Partner / Triplo |
sukottokun |
VP, Customer Success / Pantheon Systems |
SusanPenrod |
SydneyRuocco |
tedbow |
Trainer & Consultant / Six Mile Tech |
TerryBjork |
TerrySlocum |
ThaliaKapica |
thejamesjones |
Associate Director of Information Technology / Sigma Chi Fraternity |
TonyGroff |
TrevorSchara |
TwoMice |
Senior Developer / Emphanos LLC |
Vulsutyr |
waybigsky |
WillAnderson |
WillMeredith |
wylbur |
Associate / Triplo |
XiaotongZhang |
YesCT |
Drupal Community Liaison / BlackMesh |
yjk |
Managing Director / Emphanos LLC |
ZacharySoper |
ZenDoodles |
Senior Engineer / Palantir.net |