Migration paths to Drupal 8

The upgrade path into Drupal 8 is a radical change from previous versions of Drupal and comes with many great new features, yet it is different than the old “upgrade” system and goes well beyond what the “migrate” module did in previous versions.

Migration in Exactly 0 (Zero) Lines of Code

Migrating from your old site can be a daunting task. Whether it's Drupal 6 or something else entirely, getting data out of it and into your new D7 or D8 site is no small feat. In this session, we'll review two methods you can use to export, massage, and import your data, with exactly ZERO lines of custom code. Many said it was impossible, I'll prove them wrong.

Modules included:

  • Migrate
  • Migrate_d2d
  • Feeds
  • Feeds Tamper

Migrate Module: This is not my beautiful data

And you may ask yourself "How do I work this?" Many Drupal site builds replace existing sites done in other CMSs, don't stress over bringing over all that content to Drupal. The Migrate module is here to help! We'll discuss the architecture of the Migrate module and build our own migration to pull in external content in to Drupal entities/nodes. We'll be doing some object oriented coding in this session so attendees should not be afraid of writing PHP classes.

How to wrangle your node layout with Display Suite

Are you tired of hardcoding fields in your node template files so that they are laid out the way you want? Would you like to throw a view or a block in your node displays without using an input filter? Look no further than Display Suite. We'll talk about how to leverage Display Suite to "region-ize" your node display so that you can group fields together and build switchable custom displays for each content type or even each individual node!

Capture the (D8) Flag

We've all heard about the big changes coming in Drupal 8. And if you maintain a module, you're wondering just how complicated it's going to be to update. Is now even the right time to update? Example modules like Pants can help, but what does a "real" module look like on Drupal 8?

Automated testing in Drupal with Behat

Even a small amount of automated regression testing can help reduce risk of re-introducing defects or of new development affecting existing areas of the system. Learn how to create some simple workflow automation and automated regression testing on a Drupal site, and how to write and execute automated acceptance tests using Behat.


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