Gwendelyn Daniels

Director of Technology Development
Illinois Legal Aid Online
I am the Director of Technology Development at Illinois Legal Aid Online, a Chicago-based nonprofit that uses technology to increase access to justice. I have been a web developer in the legal aid community for 15+ years but have only been working with Drupal since early 2014. I do some site building, theming and custom module development as part of an effort at my organization to rebuild our web platform in Drupal.

gadaniels72's session

Around the Views in 20 minutes

Views is one of those modules that most site builders will have to use eventually.  As a relative newcomer to Drupal, I’ve found myself doing things in ways that are often harder than they have to be or finding the basic Views module lacking.  In this session, I’ll share walk through some of the features of views, some pitfalls and issues I’ve encountered, and highlight some additional modules that extend and improve Views.  This session will be focused on Views in Drupal 7.